Weekly Game Music: Organ Smash (Iji)

New week (at least, in the US), new music. Here’s a music from IjiOrgan Smash by Chris Geehan and Dan Byrne-McCullough. I’ve mentioned Iji in the Strange Free Games series, and I do recommend playing this very fun game!

Iji was released in 2010 for the PC. It can be played on Daniel Rumar’s website.

Iji, a simple and brave girl, and her family ventures her brother’s science laboratory. Of course, it wouldn’t be much of a story unless a bunch of aliens invaded earth, right? During the invasion, Iji is knocked unconscious, and throughout this state, Dan reconstructs her body as a super-soldier from the invader’s technology. When she wakes up, Iji is ordered by Dan to negotiate with the invaders for peace.

Iji plays like Gears of War RPG in 2D. Iji can duck under cover to avoid enemy fire, while shooting, jumping, kicking and even hacking enemies to submission. Various stats can be upgraded on your character, including hacking, kicking, shooting, and armor skills. In addition, you can collect a healthy number of guns that you can fuse together to make a more powerful beast. Finally, Iji has multiple endings, encouraging a lot of replay.

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Weekly Game Music: Fluffy Sweet (Cloud)

Oh, jolly. I completely forgot about posting a music for this week. How about some soothing music, for a change? Here’s Fluffy Sweet, composed by Vincent Diamante for the student game, Cloud. It was a catapult to ThisGameCompany’s inception and proceeding game creations with similar themes.

Cloud is a freely downloadable PC game released in 2005. You can download it here.

Cloud describes a bed-ridden boy who’s “brought back to life” as a flying spirit that collects clouds. With it, the games leads you through several different missions, including creating cloud formations, calming storms, and raining on necessary patches of land. It’s a simple story about the joy of flight.

From a gameplay perspective, Cloud controls like an extremely relaxed free-roaming star-fighter game. As the spirit, you fly towards a patch of cloud to collect it, and have it follow you as you gather more. Since the clouds will lag a little bit, you’re forced to proceed in a slower manner. The said clouds can be stored and released, however, whenever you feel like it.


Title: First Flight
Game: Cloud
Composer: Vincent Diamante

Title: Cycling
Game: Cloud
Composer: Vincent Diamante


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