Hachi Block

Hachi Block is a combo-focused Tetris-based puzzle game, created in 72 hours.  Score high by dragging blocks into a grid and creating a three-in-a-row horizontal or vertical block formation.  Stay alert, however; don’t let the blocks rise to the top of the screen!


First, click on the 2×2 blocks on the right side of the screen to pick it. While dragging this piece, right-click or press space to rotate this block. Click anywhere (yes, anywhere; even on top of existing blocks) on the grid of blocks to drop the piece.

When 3 or more same-colored blocks are matched vertically or horizontally, those blocks will be eliminated, and points will be awarded.

Remember that each move will cause more blocks to drop from the top of the screen. If any blocks remain on the top of the grid, it’s game over!


Development Time: 72 hours.

  • Game Design + Programming: Taro Omiya
  • Music: Muse en Lystrala